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How does it work?

A brief explanation of how this idea can work for you.


How do I plan my 21st Birthday

Perhaps you have a million and one things to do in order to get your party rockin', but you are time-strapped. Your friends are always there for you, when you ask, but how do you ask them for help when the todo list is longer than your arm?

Pass a buck allows you to list the minor tasks needed to accomplish a major event.

This list is then forwarded to your friends.

Your friends can then elect which tasks they can help you with.

Does it cost anything?

If you don't put a price to your tasks, then use of this service is free.

A small handling fee is charged when you give a monetary incentive to your friends to accomplish various tasks on your list.

I can't help, but I know someone who can.

That is great! you can send the task to your friend and OUTSOURCE your help.

Can I set a deadline?

Sure. Most events are run to a deadline. So getting things done by a certain time is important for everyone's enjoyment.

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